Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Head Is Spinning (And I Love It)

I haven’t written much here lately but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. A few of you, my blogging friends, are going through some stuff and thankfully you’ve let me be a part of it. I’ll try to give the rest of you an idea of where I’ve been spending my time without revealing too much about anyone’s situation that hasn’t been posted publicly.

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. There was the loss of a loved one that was very unexpected and just devastated me. But Jamie’s doing the best she can, day by day, and I know she‘ll get through this. JJ if you’re reading, my thoughts are always with you.

There was a birth that was nothing short of miraculous and I’m convinced was meant to be. I’ve been friends with Becca for over two years, she’s wanted a third child for as long as I can remember and I was overjoyed to see Timothy come into the world healthy after the struggles she went through. It was definitely one of my happiest moments this year. Isn’t it amazing how we can feel so close to people we’ve never met?

I can’t count the number of e-mails and messages I’ve read and answered lately about relationships. Talk of boyfriends and husbands, break-ups and affairs. Questions about sexual identity, new experiences and feelings. Giving advice that brought two friends back together, or talking about a situation with a roommate.

I chatted through Facebook with Jamie Lynne Grumet, recently on the cover of Time magazine’s issue on attachment parenting and extended breastfeeding. (Sweet person by the way). A friend approached me on how to handle unwanted sexual innuendo from an unknown commenter, another asked me to review the first few chapters of her novel.

Happy to read, happy to listen, happy to be here.



  1. I've been Mia but no news here is good news. I have a bunch to catch you up on just gotta sit down and write it.

  2. We love you! You should really be a professional therapist. And thank you. :)

  3. Can't wait to hear it Rhi!

    Lilly, it's always a pleasure talking.

  4. You'd be bored without all of us. haha Thanks for Timothy's birth shout out. :)

  5. We've had three family deaths in a month, expensive car repairs, and general feeling like crap for both of us. But on the plus side, we've had a few births of children from friends, and a wedding to attend next week. The circle of life my friend...

  6. sounds like you've been busy. I haven't had internet for 2 weeks at my apt :/
    It seems like there have been many deaths lately among my family and friends also.

  7. For me it's always been more natural to share personal/creative thoughts with those I never see in person, or those who aren't in my family, my dear distant friends.

    Sounds like you've had an eventful week
