Sunday, February 26, 2012
Secret Sunday
Thanks everyone for your wishes. I had an amazing birthday yesterday, one of the best so far! I'm taking the next two days off to relax, starting with an hour and a half massage first thing tomorrow morning. Can't wait! I also have some catching up to do with your blogs and e-mails.
It's time for the 60th round of Secret Sunday, a chance to anonymously share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. Let me know and I'll follow along.
And now to it...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
It's My Birthday!!!
Yup, another year's gone by already. So fast! I want to take a minute to thank all of you not only for reading my blog but for the amazingly kind, heart-felt things you've shared and said to me. I mean it with everything I have when I say people like you make me so glad to be alive. I'm having an amazing day, hope you are too. I love you all. :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
50 Questions, 50 Answers
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? We turned half of our bedroom into a walk-in closet so I'm not sure how to answer. Open I guess, since we removed the bi-fold doors on two closets in the room.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yup. I don't need much (obviously) so there's usually lots left over.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out.
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No but I was with a friend who did, does that sort of count?
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? You should see my desk, it's covered in them. If I were a superhero you could call me Captain Post-It.
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Rarely, my wife usually deals with coupons.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Bees, higher chance of survival.
8: Do you have freckles? No.
9: Do you always smile for pictures? I try but I feel awkward doing it. Don't like posing.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? Intolerence, narrow-mindedness, lack of passion or sense of adventure. Okay so that's more than one.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? No.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes.
13: Ever pooped in the woods? Seriously? Who writes this stuff?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Only when I want to embarass my wife in the grocery aisle.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Nope.
16: How many people have you slept with this week? Two girls (my wife and my cat).
17: What size is your bed? Queen, but this summer I want to build a platform frame for a King.
18: What is your Song of the week? "Move On" by ATB.
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? I guess, although not many guys can pull it off.
20: Do you still watch cartoons? Not often but if I do it's preferably Bugs Bunny, the older the better.
21: What's your least favorite movie? "Thirteen" with Jason Statham is near the top, so is "Without Men" with Eva Langoria. Which is too bad because I like both actors.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Probably underneath some place you'd never expect to find me, like a hockey arena or a church.
23: What do you drink with dinner? Water usually. Sometimes milk.
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Plum sauce or something spicy.
25: What is your favorite food? Anything Italian.
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Shawshank Redemption, Bad Boys (Will Smith/ Martin Lawrence), Princess Bride, Star Wars (original three), Say Anything, Serendipity, Crazy Stupid Love, Friends With Benefits.
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Does at work count? Kidding. My wife.
28: Were you ever a boy scout? No.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No. Yes. No. Maybe... if the payout was high enough. Although I'm not sure who would want to see it, lol.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Two weeks ago, to a blogging friend.
31: Can you change the oil on a car? No, I'd rather just have someone else do it.
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Only twice which is a miracle.
33: Ever ran out of gas? Once, when we got stuck in a massive traffic jam in Michigan.
34:Favorite kind of sandwich? Probably egg salad.
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast? Chocolate chip pancakes with latte afterwards.
36: What is your usual bedtime? Way too late, usually around midnight depending on how many e-mails I need to reply to.
37: Are you lazy? I am when it comes to work around the house but there's usually too much to do.
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I can't remember most of my costumes. The only one I really recall was when my friend and I dressed up as Bonnie and Clyde (he was Bonnie).
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? The Snake.
40: How many languages can you speak? A bit of French, a bit of Spanish and five types of English (Canadian English, American English, Australian English, New Zealand English and English English). Plus a whole lotta jibberish.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No.
42: Which are better Lego or Lincoln Logs? Lego. I played with it until I was sixteen.
43: Are you stubborn? Hell yes.
44: Leno or Letterman? Leno.
45: Ever watch soap operas? No but I know some of the characters from overhearing my wife's soap, which is kind of disturbing.
46: Are you afraid of heights? Not so much afraid of heights as I am of falling and the inevitable sudden stop that comes with it.
47: What's the most beautiful thing in the world? A woman nursing her child. Sunrise is a close second.
48: Do you sing in the car? Sometimes.
49: Do you sing in the shower? No.
50: Do you dance in the car? No, my car isn't big enough to dance in. :p
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Announcement- I've Written A Book!
About a year after I started blogging some of you began suggesting that I write a book. At first I didn't give it much consideration, I wasn't sure how to tell my story without also getting into the personal lives of people who are closest to me. I decided to go back through my writing and soon realized I had enough to put together something that reveals my personal experiences, so this is what I've done.
I'm very happy to announce that my first book, The Glass Wall, will be available soon. It's a 90-page softcover compilation of my writing which contains poems, one-line quotations, a couple of short stories, narratives and lyrics for three songs I've written over the years. Most of the content was written since 2009 but I've also included a couple pieces I wrote in my early twenties.
I began working on this project in November 2010 and it's been an on-going process ever since. In the preface I explain the history of how Life In Quotations came to be after my car accident four years ago, and the baby steps along the way that brought me here. It's proof to me that some of the most traumatic events in our lives happen for a reason and can bring about some very positive changes.
The pages here are loose but the book is bound and fastened with Chicago Screws, a method used to finish books since the 1870's. This is a private venture through a local printer I've been working with and so far it's all been out of my pocket. I haven't worked out pricing or distribution yet, although the owner of the cafe where I read my poetry has offered to sell it through her shop and I've provided her with a few copies. I've also signed up for a publishing workshop in early March to get some direction since this is a first for me, and I'll keep all of you posted as things progress.
Thanks to all of you who have inspired me along the way, this wouldn't have happened without you!
All content on this page is copyrighted.

Secret Sunday
Time now for the 59th round of Secret Sunday, a chance to anonymously share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. Let me know and I'll follow along.
And now to it...
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Valentine's Day Poetry Meet
In Monday's post I told you about my breakfast meet last Saturday with WCDR, a local writers' group. On Monday morning I got an e-mail from one of the members, Pat, who was referred to me by Lucy (someone else I spoke with at the meet). Gotta love networking huh? She had told him I write poetry and he asked if I'd like to come out to an informal Valentine's Day get-together held (as luck would have it) at "Debbie's", our favourite cafe in town. I told Sandy and she said she was definitely in. So we had an early Valentine's dinner (she made a really nice salmon with rice and veggies, no wine unfortunately since I was driving right afterwards) and off we went.
We got there a bit before 6:30. When we walked through the door I felt like I was stepping into some sort of Seattle coffee shop scene. Not that I've been anywhere near Seattle! A band was setting up with a young female vocalist and two guys on acoustic guitars. It turns out it was the same group, "Meagan, Chris and Tommy" that we saw at a local talent show last year...
They played their first set, covering songs by Adele, City and Colour and others. While they performed Sandy and I sipped our lattes ('cuz it's what you do at these things) and mingled. I met Bradley, who heads the Brooklyn Poetry Society...
and talked with him about our writing and his books. Great guy, very encouraging and supportive. When the band was done Pat came up and began introducing the poets...
I read three of mine to everyone beginning with "Nightsong" which I had written for Sandy,
followed by "Timeless" and "Brooklyn". This was my first time reading my work to an audience and I felt more comfortable in front of a microphone than I ever have. It was certainly more relaxing than doing stand-up!...
We were happy to see that our favourite server Sonya was working. We also met Racheal for the first time...
as well as Debbie, the owner...
We didn't know each other that well but we all got along amazingly and there was no shortage of hugs. Everyone was fantastic and we had a great night, I'm looking forward to something like this again!
We got there a bit before 6:30. When we walked through the door I felt like I was stepping into some sort of Seattle coffee shop scene. Not that I've been anywhere near Seattle! A band was setting up with a young female vocalist and two guys on acoustic guitars. It turns out it was the same group, "Meagan, Chris and Tommy" that we saw at a local talent show last year...
They played their first set, covering songs by Adele, City and Colour and others. While they performed Sandy and I sipped our lattes ('cuz it's what you do at these things) and mingled. I met Bradley, who heads the Brooklyn Poetry Society...
and talked with him about our writing and his books. Great guy, very encouraging and supportive. When the band was done Pat came up and began introducing the poets...
I read three of mine to everyone beginning with "Nightsong" which I had written for Sandy,
followed by "Timeless" and "Brooklyn". This was my first time reading my work to an audience and I felt more comfortable in front of a microphone than I ever have. It was certainly more relaxing than doing stand-up!...
(my eyes aren't actually closed, I'm just looking down!)
We were happy to see that our favourite server Sonya was working. We also met Racheal for the first time...
Racheal (left), Sonya (right)
as well as Debbie, the owner...
We didn't know each other that well but we all got along amazingly and there was no shortage of hugs. Everyone was fantastic and we had a great night, I'm looking forward to something like this again!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Writers Meet-Up
On Saturday morning I attended a breakfast meeting with the Writers' Community of Durham Region . This is a local organization that welcomes anyone with a passion for words, whether they're a writer of fiction or non-fiction, a poet, playwright, screenwriter, songwriter, editor etc. The group "includes a full range of published and yet-to-be-published members of all ages, from mature teens to seniors". They also welcome new members, including those who are just beginning to explore an interest in writing.
I arrived at 8:30am and picked an empty spot at a table next to a lovely woman named Celine. I was soon joined by seven others and we all made our introductions. It didn't strike me until later that I was the only male at the table but it didn't matter, we all had lots to talk about. Breakfast began with an amazing cream of mushroom soup (I never would have thought of having it with breakfast, but if you like it as much as I do I suggest giving it a try sometime.) My choice was Canadian bacon and eggs on a bun with a light side salad, accompanied by tea. Nothing terribly fancy but it hit the spot.
About fifteen minutes before the guest speaker came on we took a break which gave me an opportunity to do some networking. As it turned out Christine, the woman sitting on the other side of me, was a member who conducts workshops aimed at helping writers hone their skills. She was able to refer me to others who specialize in poetry and also pointed out people who have experience in publishing.
The guest speaker came on at 10:00am.
photo credit and blog link
Vikki van Sickle is an award-winning children's author, reviewer, playwright and director, amongst other things. She gave an hour-long presentation covering how she got started in the business of bookselling, what to expect and tips on how to increase the chance of success. She made it entertaining and I quite enjoyed it.
I'll probably attend another meeting before I decide whether to commit to becoming a member, but I got a really good feeling from the group. Next month there's a one-day workshop being held specifically covering all aspects of publishing, which I just may attend.
This morning I received an e-mail asking if I'd like to read some of my work tomorrow night at a poetry meet. As luck would have it, it's at our favourite bistro in town. Sandy and I will have a nice Valentine's dinner at home then head over. I'm looking forward to it, I'll let you know how it goes!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Secret Sunday
I'm going to be up at stupid-o'clock tomorrow morning (5:00am) to attend a show with a friend of mine (a plastic model contest in another town), so I'm posting this now. Even though it's still Saturday in Canada it's Sunday in some parts of the world so technically I'm not jumping the gun. Nope, no premature post-ulation here. Happens sometimes when guys get older. :p
Okay. Time now for the 58th round of Secret Sunday, a chance to anonymously share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. Let me know and I'll follow along.
And now to it...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
What I Believe...
- I believe disposable razor blades are the biggest rip-off in the history of the world. The equivalent for women is, of course, pantyhose.
- I believe people who are different from us should be met with curiosity rather than condemnation.
- I believe spirituality is truly expressed not by the number of times we attend church but in the way we treat others.
- I believe the medical field blatantly overprescribes medication for physical and mental issues in the name of kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry. And it infuriates me.
- I believe I may always be completely undecided about tattoos on women, but I've seen some that are hella sexy and some of you are wearing them.
- I believe Animal will always be my favourite Muppet.
- I believe Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone in the Kennedy assassination.
- I believe gaming and social media have their place, but I also think they're contributing to the slow death of social skills.
- I believe there is no greater creation on earth than Woman.
I believeI know people in their teens and twenties have a voice and adults who would presume to know better would do well to listen.- I believe in extraterrestrial life.
- I believe it's possible to love two people at the same time but in different ways and for different reasons.
- I believe most parents only think they know what their sons and daughters are doing upstairs on their computers.
- I believe religion is probably the most stupid reason ever to start a war.
- I believe secrets are sacred and should be fiercely guarded.
- I believe no woman, regardless of what she wears is “asking“ to be sexually assaulted and anyone who buys into this is grossly ill-informed.
- I believe mental health practitioners are too quick to put a label on everything and it's caused further psychological distress in untold thousands. By way of example I don't believe nearly as many kids are ADD as we've been lead to think.
- I believe the most important thing in the world, more than love, is compassion towards others.
- I believe my brain will explode first before I ever fully grasp the concept of existentialism.
- I believe that regardless of sexual orientation people love fundamentally the same and should be accepted for it.
- I believe if I die from anything it’ll be curiosity.
- I believe you'll never count backwards faster than when you learn your ex is pregnant (ask me how I know).
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tacky Tiki Party 2012
Saturday night we had our third annual Tacky Tiki Party. This is a chance to blow off the winter blahs and bring in a bit of summer, it's also a good reason to have a party since not much happens after New Year's Eve until summer actually arrives. I won't write a lot, I'll just let the pictures do the talking...
It was a lot of fun and we're looking forward to doing it again next year, bigger and better than ever.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Secret Sunday
Hope you're all having/ have had a great weekend! Last night Sandy and I had our annual Tacky Tiki Party, which I'm hoping to post about tomorrow. It was a lot of fun and a great way to beat the winter blahs.
Time now for the 57th round of Secret Sunday, a chance to anonymously share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.
All are valid.
Here's how it works:
1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.
2) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. Let me know and I'll follow along.
And now to it...
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Writers' Meeting
This morning I enrolled in a meeting being held next Saturday Feb 11th by The Writers' Community of Durham Region. They're a local organization "dedicated to encouraging and promoting the art and skill of writing, fostering literacy and providing moral support to writers, poets, editors, songwriters, and illustrators through education and networking, both independently and in co-operation with existing organizations."
It'll start with breakfast then we'll hear a presentation by someone heavily involved in the book industry, who will be talking about how to get involved in all areas including getting published. It'll also give me a chance to meet other writers and do some networking.
I can't wait, I'll let you guys know how it went afterwards!
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