Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bloggers over Borders update

Hi everyone, just a quick update to let all of you know where we currently are with this project. To date there are twenty-three bloggers involved in five countries (Canada, USA, Egypt, UK and the Philippines).  USA is represented by eleven different States.

I want to thank all of you who have signed up so far and who have promoted this on your blogs. I'm still short of target so I'm extending the deadline to sign up by one week, to February 13th. 

Please consider joining and/or spreading the word about this to those you know. The further this reaches the better. I'm looking forward to setting this in motion.

Love you guys,

Photo credit here.


  1. I'm so excited! :) Glad to see things are going smoothly, Barry.

  2. Yay! You have gotten more people! Let's launch this soon; I'm so excited!
