Sunday, October 23, 2011

Secret Sunday

 As much as I don't like Fall I have to admit we're having a beautiful Canadian Fall day. I suspect I'll find myself outside later, there are leaves to be raked and I have to scrub out our fountain to prepare for winter. :(

  Time now for the forty-fifth round of Secret Sunday, a chance to share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty. All are valid.

Here's how it works:

1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.

2) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free.

As always if there's anything you want to share, I'm listening...


  1. I still love him and it hurts.

  2. For anonymous above: One day it won't. Whether your love for him remains or fades, the pain of it will fade. I never thought it would, not with this one, but it has.

    I can't think of a secret for you, Barry. And maybe that's a good thing. :)
