Monday, October 26, 2009

Coming Soon...The LIQUOR Awards

Hi everyone,

I may not be posting much this week, as I'll be feverishly preparing to present the LIQUOR (Life In Quotations Uberbloggers Officially Recognized) Awards. Beginning Monday November 2 and running for about two weeks I'll be recognizing those of you who have added so much to my days; from making me look at life differently, to giving me that extra bit of inspiration to just plain putting a smile on my face through your utter weirdness.

For those of you following (and a certain visitor/regular contributor from Hong Kong), I'll be putting the spotlight on one blogger at a time. Hopefully it'll generate a little cross-promotion. But mostly it's my way of saying, "You guys are the best!"

Stay tuned.


  1. Yay! This is a great idea and so sweet. You are the best BB!

  2. Right back atcha, Miss Fab. Oh, thanks for linking to me on your bloglist. :)

  3. That sounds like a great idea. I look forward to checking that out.

  4. S.C., Thanks. In a dream I pondered endlessly upon how to make the world a better place. But it's a pretty big world and my schedule's fairly full for the next few weeks. So I thought a dozen or so people would be a pretty good compromise. :)

    Keith, Yeah it should be fun. Perhaps I'm a frustrated critic but in this case I have nothing but good things to say about the people here who tolerate me. They're a great bunch. Thanks for dropping by, I found your blog through JenFab.

  5. Hey! Nice pictures, great blog btw, check out ours whenever you want, we invite you to follow it.

  6. Hey babeeeeeeeeee!! congrats, keep writing! it's the writing that keep me coming back!!

  7. create an icon so I can steal it and post it with a link to your page:))))
