Friday, April 15, 2011

Getting A Little Dirty For A Good Cause

Every year around this time the City of Toronto holds an annual "20-Minute Makeover". This is an event where anyone who wants to volunteer can help clean up selected areas in the city. Today at noon I joined about 30 of my co-workers, splitting up into groups and venturing into three separate locations.

Some spots were a bit marshy. We found a stroller, a couple seats, a full bottle of Pine Sol, some Crown Royal bottles, I found an old long-sleeve shirt. Lots of plastic bags, bottles etc.

We managed to fill 38 bags with litter and came away feeling like we made a pretty significant difference in the area. It was a great feeling and a nice way to wind down the week!


  1. well done. good for you guys!

  2. That is a pretty good cause. Now if we could only learn to not litter (or litter less).

  3. you're such a great person! I didnt know you were from Toronto :)!

  4. Thanks all. :)

    Yep I'm from Toronto Stephie. I believe you're West of me (I won't say where on here). Who knows, we could bump into each other sometime!

  5. maybe someday :)! I'm going to Toronto today :)!

  6. Good for you guys. Way to go!!

  7. yayy, im glad you feel good.
    ima visit toronto one day.
    one day.......

  8. Thanks everyone!

    Sweet Pea, come visit sometime. You'll always be welcome in our home. :)
