Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Bloggers over Borders"- update

Hi everyone, just a quick update to let all of you know where we are with this project.  To date we have 18 bloggers in five countries (Canada, USA, Egypt, UK and the Philippines) involved.  I want to thank everybody who has signed up so far, this should be fun.

I'm still considerably short of target (hoping to have at least 50 bloggers), so I'm encouarging everyone to participate.  I'm also asking all of you to please spread the word about this to those you think might be interested.  The further this reaches the better.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to setting this in motion.

Love you all,



  1. I'm going to put a link of this on my blog in the top right corner so people will know about it & when they click the button it will go to your post on it!! I think its awesome & definitely want to help you out! =)

  2. Melanie, thank you so much for doing this. You're the best!

  3. I am already thinking of what I will send to my blogger friend.

    I will post this on my blog. I hope a lot of people join.

    Buenos deseos,

  4. Thank you for your words! They really hit me...thank you
